Saturday, December 10, 2011

Dry Ice

Dry Ice
     -Dry ice is solidified carbon dyoxide.
     -It is made by pressurizing and refrigerating pure CO2 gas into liquid CO2, and than letting it expand again, and then pressurized into shapes.  ie: cubes, pellets...
     -Dry Ice has many uses, such as removinf floor tiles, to purge fuel tanks, to pack freshly caught fish, and many other uses, like creating a fog in a movie...etc.
     -The "smoke" that is created from dry ice is really the gaseuos form of CO2.  Since CO2 normally skipps its liquid state, the ice does not melt, but sort of just evaporates from being a solid.
    -Dry Ice is an average -109.3 degrees fareinheit, and is much colder and less messy than regular H20 "wet" ice.

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